QUAKES ON A PLANE: Victor Bernardez shares how he travels

Victor Berardez - Quakes on a Plane - image 091616

In Quakes on a Plane we take you behind the scenes on Quakes road trips with your favorite players in black & blue! You'll find out what they like and dislike about traveling the country playing for a MLS club & get the scoop on the best and worst players to travel with. On the flight to Colorado, we chatted with defender Victor Bernardez as the Quakes get set for a crucial Western Conference match with Colorado Rapids.

Name: Victor Bernardez

Roomie: Darwin Ceren

QUAKES ON A PLANE: Victor Bernardez shares how he travels -

Best thing about your roommate: We watch TV and listen to music together.

Worst: I have to wake him up. I like to wake up early but he gets up a bit later.

Window or aisle: Considering how big I am, I like to sit in the aisle.

Drink on the plane: Water, maybe a bit of soda like Canada Dry or 7UP, but mostly water.

Favorite person to sit by: Darwin, Anibal or Alberto.

Travel pastime: I like to read or listen to music. Right now I am reading The 11 Strengths of a Leader by Jorge Valdano.

Best things to do in Colorado:  I am going to concentrate on the game, and nothing more than that because it is a complicated one for us and very difficult.

QUAKES ON A PLANE: Victor Bernardez shares how he travels -

Thoughts on DSG Park: It is a good stadium. I have played there a couple of times and I hope we win.

Favorite place to travel with the team: Seattle and Montreal. 

QUAKES ON A PLANE: Victor Bernardez shares how he travels -